If you’re like me, you love OneNote. And if you love OneNote, you would have probably found the handy ‘Windows key’ + S shortcut for snipping, which is just awesome when you compare it to the Windows Snipping tool (too many clicks!)
However, recently it seems the ‘gurus’ at Microsoft have decided that, with the release of 8.1, the ‘S’ is now reserved for the search function. Which I find silly, as to search only takes one thumb or finger- the Windows key itself!
Anyway, Mictosoft have said a change to the shortcut will be making the snip function Windows Key + Shift + S. But this won’t be released until early next year.
So, a workaround would be to simply change the letter to use to invoke the snip.
Close OneNote
Open Registry Editor
Browse to the following location:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\OneNote\Options\Other (replace the 15.0 with your version of Office)
Create the following DWORD (32 bit) key
Name: ScreenClippingShortcutKey
Value: 42 (Hex)
Log off and on and you’ll have a Windows Key + A shortcut for snipping.